All Services
- Accident & Emergency
- Pediatric Gastroenterology
- Pediatric General Surgery
- Pediatric Orthopedics
- Pediatric Anesthesiology
- Pediatric Nephrology
- Pediatric Neurology
- Pediatric Pulmonology
- Neonatology
- Well Baby Clinic
- Pediatric Critical Care Unit
- Infectious Disease
- Family Planning
- Nutrition and Growth
- Pediatric COVID
- Pediatric Diabetes Mellitus
- Pediatric Endocrinology
- Pediatric General Medicine
- Pediatric Oncology
- Pediatric Pathology
- Pediatric Physiotherapy
- Pediatric Radiology
- Pediatrics Dentistry
- Tuberculosis
Department of Paediatric surgery is oldest and one of the largest pediatric surgical institute in Pakistan providing care under public sector heath service to children of 0 to 14 years. It caters almost whole of Sindh province and Eastern Baluchistan. Since its inception, it has played a major role in promotion of Paediatric surgical specialty and has trained various renowned paediatric surgical specialists of the country. Various paediatric surgical procedures are performed from simple rectal polyp to complex Thoracotomies, laparotomies, reconstructive and neonatal surgeries. Most neonatal, paediatric and general surgical procedure are performed. Beside this Paediatric Orthopedic Surgery, Paediatric Urology, plastic and reconstructive surgery and Paediatric Trauma are also managed. It is also a major teaching center for undergraduates & postgraduates training in paediatric surgery. It is only centre in Pakistan having a separate burns unit. The department has earned a reputation as a centre par excellence for clinical practice and teaching environment in pediatric surgery.
Emergency services including Trauma, Congenital Anomalies, Neonatal and other elective procedures and emergency laparotomies for congenital or acquired pathologies and Trauma, round the clock seven days a week.
Five days a week day care surgeries for cases including Inguinal Hernia, Undescended Testis, Hydrocele, Rectal Polyps, Cystic Lesion, Wound Debridement etc. General elective procedures performed.
- Six days a week main operation elective list, on alternate days both two units.
- All index cases of General Pediatric Surgery from neonatal life to 12 years
- Including congenital, acquired surgical conditions
- Pediatric Urology
- Pediatric Orthopedic Surgery
- Pediatric Thoracic Surgery.
- Trauma Surgery including Abdominal, Thoracic, Orthopedic and Burn
- Esophagoscopy, Bronchoscopy for diagnostic and therapeutic indications like foreign body ingestion and aspiration and strictures
- Advanced Laparoscopic and Thoracoscopic Procedures.
- Cystoscopy and Genitoscopy for Diagnostic and Therapeutic IndicationsÂ
- Surgical Oncology
The following surgical procedures are performed in the Department of Pediatric Surgery.
- Emergency Surgical Procedures
- Paediatric Head & Neck Surgery
- Paediatric Thoracic Surgery
- Paediatric Abdominal Surgery
- Pediatric Colorectal Surgery
- Paediatric Endoscopy
- Paediatric Hepatobiliary Surgery
- Paediatric Minimally Invasive Surgery
- Paediatric Plastic Surgery
- Paediatric Orthopedics
- Paediatric Oncological Surgery
- Paediatric Genitourinary Surgery
- Neonatal Surgery
- Paediatric Daycare Surgery
Surgical Unit-A:
Tuesday, Thursday & Saturday
Surgical Unit-B:
Monday, Wednesday & Friday
Pediatric Colorectal Clinic:
Monday & Friday
Pediatric Orthopaedic Clinic:
Pediatric Urology Clinic:
Tuesday & Wednesday
OPD Timings:
8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
Ground Floor, Main NICH Building.